Higher Self | 18-Week Self-Mastery Course
Higher Self Weekly Lessons:
- Self-Accountability
- Addressing Childhood Wounds
- Recognizing Learned Behavior
- Identifying Your Triggers
- Detecting What Doesn't Serve You
- Overcoming Negative Thinking
- Discovering Who You Really Are
- Discovering Your Strengths & Weaknesses
- Creating New Beliefs
- Defining & Redefining Your Goals
- The Power of Discipline
- Mastering the Art of Being Unbothered
- Correcting Self-Defeating Behavior
- How to Make Sound Decisions with No Regrets
- Finding Your Life Purpose
- YOUniversal Laws
- Self-Love Declaration
- Accepting Your Truth
Personal development is the key to getting over the obstacles that seem to keep us stuck in life. There will eventually come a time when we desire to go higher, but may not have all the tools we need to reach the next level. That's where the Higher Self 18-Week Self-Mastery Course comes in. Higher Self gives you extensive and intensive learning about how to dig within, discover your strengths and weaknesses, heal emotional wounds, set appropriate goals for your life, and develop the skills and mindset needed to achieve them. The Higher Self course is accompanied with everything you need to have a successful learning experience. These tools will be shipped to you via mail, which include...
- Weekly Audio Lessons
- Audio Player
- Books by Queens of Virtue: Womanifest, Virtuous Womanism, The Feminine Mind, and Shadow Work, some assignments may be associated with these books.
- 90-Minute Weekly Phone Sessions, to review lessons & answer any questions you may have
- Daily Planner, for daily organization
- Notebook/Pens, for note taking
- Journal, for self reflection
- Soul Truth Self Awareness Cards by Brianne Hovey
- Mastery by Robert Greene
- Bible, because we all need one :-)
Divine Feminine Unleashed | 12-week Course
Divine Feminine Unleashed Lessons:
- The True Definition of Divine Femininity
- Healing Feminine Wounds
- The Divine Feminine Must Dream
- The Divine Feminine Must Create
- The Divine Feminine Must Organize
- The Divine Feminine Must Rest
- The Divine Feminine Must Receive
- The Divine Feminine Must Play
- The Divine Feminine Must Grow
- The Divine Feminine Must Succeed
- The Divine Feminine Must Love
- Newfound Confidence
.he Divine Feminine Unleashed 90-Day Course shows you how to break the cycle of chaos in your daily life by uncovering your divine characteristics and providing you with the tools you need to make your life orderly, enjoyable, and successful. You'll learn about the importance of creation, rest and relaxation, organization, receiving, achievement, and more. If you're ready to tap into your God-given gifts to create your world, enroll in Divine Feminine Unleashed and seize your feminine power. The Divine Feminine Unleashed course is accompanied with everything you need to have a successful learning experience. These tools will be shipped to you via mail, which include...
- Weekly Audio Lessons
- Audio Player
- Books by Queens of Virtue: Womanifest, Virtuous Womanism, The Feminine Mind, Sisterly Love, and Shadow Work, some assignments may be associated with these books.
- 90-Minute Weekly Phone Sessions, to review lessons & answer any questions you may have
- Daily Planner and Expense Tracker, for daily organization
- Notebook/Pens, for note taking
- Journal, for self reflection
- Soul Truth Self Awareness Cards by Brianne Hovey
- 10 inspirational songs
- Bible, because we all need one :-)