Women today are go-getters. They work just as hard, and sometimes harder, than their male counterparts. Not to mention, they must take care of their family and household in between time. They have a full plate. But eventually that full plate gets old. Having more time for family, relationships, rest, and leisure becomes a priority, but hard to pull off while every responsibility falls solely on their shoulders. This keeps a woman operating in a masculine mindset so that she can juggle all of her responsibilities, many of which doesn't come natural to a feminine woman. The Hyper Femininity 90-Day Course shines a light on the patterns & behaviors that block you from having the support, respect and freedom you deeply desire. You'll learn the feminine principles that create favorable results in each area of your life. The word says "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind". By changing the way you think about womanhood, you will transform your life, ushering in a new feminine experience.

Hyper Femininity 12-week Course

Lessons include:

Week 1: Feminism & How It Effects Women

Week 2: Healing Feminine Wounds

Week 3: Gender Roles & The Reason They Exist

Week 4: Feminine Power pt. 1: Love & Compassion

Week 5: Feminine Power pt. 2: Nurture & Order

Week 6: Feminine Power pt. 3: Submission

Week 7: Beautifying Yourself: How Should Feminine Women Look?

Week 8: Beautifying Your Space: Home Decorating & Homemaking

Week 9: Feminine Hygiene & Sexual Health

Week 10: Feminine Dating 101

Week 11: Femininity Meets Wifehood

Week 12: Newfound Confidence

*Each lesson is accompanied with Queens of Virtue books, hours of private sessions, videos, assignments and more*

Being a divine woman is not a mythological concept. It is completely possible and necessary for you to discover what makes you divine, then master the art of operating from your divine center. Many women's lives are chaotic. They find themselves lost with no direction, no sense of purpose, disorganized, overworked, bored, drained, stagnant, and uninspired. Sadly, many women think they absolutely have to live this way in order to survive, but that's far from the truth. The Divine Feminine Unleashed 90-Day Course shows you how to break the cycle of chaos in your daily life by uncovering your divine characteristics and providing you with the tools you need to make your life orderly, enjoyable, and successful. You'll learn about the importance of creation, rest and relaxation, organization, receiving, achievement, and more. All of our courses contain weekly sessions, lessons, and educational supplies that make it possible for you to apply what you've learned to real life. If you are ready to tap into your God-given gifts to create your world, enroll in Divine Feminine Unleashed and seize your feminine power. 

Divine Feminine Unleashed 12-week Course

Lessons include:

Week 1: The True Definition of Divine Femininity

Week 2: Healing Feminine Wounds

Week 3: The Divine Feminine Must Dream

Week 4: The Divine Feminine Must Create

Week 5: The Divine Feminine Must Organize

Week 6: The Divine Feminine Must Rest

Week 7: The Divine Feminine Must Receive

Week 8: The Divine Feminine Must Play

Week 9: The Divine Feminine Must Grow

Week 10: The Divine Feminine Must Succeed

Week 11: The Divine Feminine Must Love

Week 12: Newfound Confidence

*Each lesson is accompanied with Queens of Virtue books, hours of private sessions, videos, assignments and more*