Queens of Virtue has books, courses and audio lessons suitable for teen boys. We also conduct sessions with the permission (and supervision) of their parents. Take a look at what we have for the young Kings.

This course teaches young men how to build, lead, and control in a way that oppresses no one, and advances everyone, starting with you. In times like these, we need young men like you to reclaim your power and restore order in your own life and the lives of others. Patriarchy is very necessary to do that. If you're ready to do what's necessary, enroll in Authentic Patriarchy, and get started.
Authentic Patriarchy 12-week course includes:
- Healing From Emasculation by Men
- Healing From Emasculation by Women
- Ethical Leadership
- The Masculine Role
- Foolproof Courting
- How to Choose a Suitable Wife
- Maintaining Your Authority
- The Masculine Image
- Conflict Resolution
- Building Your Kingdom
- The Power of Brotherhood
- Creating Your Economy

The King's Order: 5 Divine Laws Every Young Man Must Obey to Become a King is a guide to help teenage boys and young men grow into the royal figures God created them to be. The book covers five divine biblical laws that are greatly overlooked and explains why each of the laws are important to a man's wellness, success and dominance. Every young man needs The King's Order on his nightstand. It is one life-changing read.
Audio Lessons
Ethical Leadership
Ethical Leadership
Queens of Virtue now offers audio lessons from our courses for young men who want brief lessons without having to complete the whole course. This lesson is Ethical Leadership from the Authentic Patriarchy course, which also features a PDF called "5 Keys to Masculinity". The PDF will be emailed to you, so lease don't forget to enter your email at checkout. Audio is downloadable at checkout.
Audio duration: 12 min: 25 sec.
Foolproof Courting
Foolproof Courting
Queens of Virtue now offers audio lessons from our courses for young men who want brief lessons without having to complete the whole course. This lesson is Foolproof Courting from the Authentic Patriarchy course, which also features a PDF with vetting questions and tips. The PDF will be emailed to you, so lease don't forget to enter your email at checkout. Audio is downloadable at checkout.
Audio duration: 16 min: 17 sec.