There are many things that can cause a woman to feel broken: breakups, childhood trauma, betrayal, abuse, and the list goes on. Queens of Virtue's master classes on healing are not a substitute for therapy, but they each work to assist you with gaining the understanding, self-esteem, and peace of mind you need to be fully functional after brokenness. Not only do these courses help you heal from your past, but they also help you prevent yourself from experiencing the same troubles in your future.

"But he was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed." ~Isaiah 53:5

Having mental clarity is very important for a feminine woman, especially while she is single. Some single women make decisions that they regret or can't reverse. They don't have the benefit of  a partner to consult with to help them make the best decisions, like married women, so they must rely solely on their own judgment. Women are expected to make good decisions but haven't been taught how. Join Queens of Virtue as we walk you through a fool-proof decision-making process that allows you to make the best possible choices at every stage of life.

Class includes:

  1. Forgiving Yourself & Moving Forward (Audio)
  2. How to Make Sound Decisions with No Regrets (Audio)
  3. Post-Decision Damage Control (PDF)
  4. Choosing Better: How to Check Your Energy, Avoid No Good Men & Date More Strategically (Paperback book)
  5. 30-Day Email Support (for any questions you may have)

The Perfect Love Master Class is for those who have been hurt and betrayed by past lovers and loved ones, and find themselves afraid to love again. You can't give or receive love in its purest form if you are afraid to open your heart. 1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." It is time that we poured love and understanding into you and cast out the hurt, confusion and fear so that you are able to love again...perfectly.

Class includes:

  1. Surrender Your Past (Audio)
  2. Do You Really Love Yourself? (PDF)
  3. Self-Love Unlocked (Audio)
  4. If You Love Them, Let Them Go (Audio)
  5. Re-Opening Your Heart (Audio)
  6. Choosing Better: How to Check Your Energy, Avoid No Good Men & Date More Strategically  (Paperback Book)
  7. 30-Day Email Support (to answer any questions you may have)

Stoicism-the quality of experiencing pain or trouble without complaining or showing your emotions. Although women are emotional beings, there is much benefit in knowing how to have emotional control, especially in the face of challenging events. Too often, women allow their emotions to run wild when they are hurt, disappointed, angry, or offended, then later wish they didn't let it get to them so much. Emotional reactions can even be embarrassing if gone too far. Join Queens of Virtue as we walk you through the benefits and steps to stabilizing your emotions so that when you're faced with a triggering event, you can choose to be unbothered.

Class includes:

  1. Why Women Struggle With Emotionalism (Audio)
  2. Identifying Your Triggers (PDF)
  3. How to Master the Art of Being Unbothered (Audio)
  4. Conflict Resolution & De-Escalation (PDF)
  5. The Feminine Mind: A Guide to Overcoming Mental & Emotional Trauma (Paperback book)
  6. 30-Day Email Support (for any questions you may have)

One of the most difficult things a woman can experience in a marriage is infidelity. Finding out the person who vowed to be with you forever is also giving their body, and possibly their heart, to another woman can feel like the biggest betrayal. Fortunately, there is a way to overcome this. It takes time, but Queens of Virtue has the necessary resources to help you gain an understanding of what took place and where you can from here. 

Class includes:

  1. It's Not You, It's Him (PDF)
  2. Male Nature: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (Audio)
  3. Why Men Cheat (Audio)
  4. How to Heal, Forgive & Grow After Betrayal (Audio)
  5. Do You Really Love Yourself? (PDF)
  6. Redefining Your Goals (PDF)
  7. Newfound Confidence (Audio)
  8. The Feminine Mind: A Guide to Overcoming Mental & Emotional Trauma (Paperback book)
  9. 30-Day Email Support (for any questions you may have)