Humans are relationship-oriented by nature. Not only are relationships rewarding, but they are essential to our survival. Queens of Virtue's relationship master classes help you excel at creating and maintaining healthy relationships with others by addressing the habits, misunderstandings, and other obstacles that make it difficult for you to create your desired result. Once you are able to remove these obstacles, your relationships with men and other women will flourish.

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow. but woe to him that is alone when he falleth, for he hath not another to help him up." ~Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 

Submission is not as scary as some women think. In fact, we all submit every day to some degree. We are always in obedience to laws and authority figures outside our homes. Strangely, some women do not want to show this same courtesy to their husbands under any circumstance. Join Queens of Virtue as we break down why submission is powerful, how to submit with ease, and when it's best not to submit. This is a class you don't want to miss. 

Class includes: 

  1. The Power in Submission (PDF)
  2. Why Do Men Need Submission? (Audio)
  3. How to Peacefully Relinquish Control (Audio)
  4. When to Submit vs When to Lead (PDF)
  5. When It's Unsafe to Submit (Audio)
  6. The Art of Submission: Keys to a Harmonious Marriage (Paperback book)
  7. 30-Day Email Support (to answer any questions you may have)

Have you ever heard a man say, "I didn't like her at first, but she grew on me"? Yeah...we haven't either. Men grow on women, but women don't grow on men. Unfortunately, some women think if they show a man how good of a catch they are or how much they love him, the man will return the favor. But a man either wants you or he doesn't. If he doesn't, he will not settle. Join Queens of Virtue as we discuss why women choose to fall in love with men who don't desire them, how men express genuine love, and what you can do to find a man who truly loves you, instead of one who simply finds you useful.

Class includes:

  1. Women's Strange Addiction to Rejection (Audio)
  2. How to Heal from Rejection (Audio)
  3. Why It's Impossible to Make a Man Love You (PDF)
  4. How to Know When a Man Genuinely Loves You (Audio)
  5. Choosing Better: How to Check Your Energy, Avoid No Good Men & Date More Strategically  (Paperback Book)
  6. 30-Day Email Support (to answer any questions you may have)

Men are natural born conquerors. This inclination to conquer shows up in everything they do, including mating. This, however, isn't necessarily alarming. The problem is, women tend to focus on how they want men to operate instead of simply learning the ins and outs of how they naturally operate. This only creates frustration and causes women to fall victim to men who have less than pure intentions. Join Queens of Virtue as we discuss male nature, how men's need to conquer controls the world of mating, and what women should do to navigate the omnipresence of male dominance.

Class includes:

  1. Male Nature: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (Audio)
  2. 3 Things You Need to Know About Patriarchy (Audio)
  3. How Male Dominance Rules Dating & Mating (Audio)
  4. How to Navigate Patriarchy (PDF)
  5. Maintaining Your Value in the Dating Market (Audio)
  6. Choosing Better: How to Check Your Energy, Avoid No Good Men & Date More Strategically  (Paperback Book)
  7. 30-Day Email Support (to answer any questions you may have)

Women spend countless hours trying to learn how to have relationships with men, but rarely take the time to study how to build healthy relationships with women. Building a sisterhood with other women takes effort and dedication just like any other relationship. Join Queens of Virtue as we have an in depth discussion on why sisterhood is important, what destroys women's relationships with one another, and how to build a healthy sisterhood even if it was once broken.

Class includes:

  1. Why Women Need Sisterhood (Audio)
  2. 10 Things That Destroy Sisterhood (Audio)
  3. Sisterhood Starts with You: Developing a Healthy Self-Image (Audio)
  4. Sisterhood Starts with You pt.2: The Power of Discipline (PDF)
  5. How to Build an Unbreakable Sisterhood (Audio)
  6. How to Rebuild a Broken Sisterhood (Audio)
  7. The Sister Code (PDF)
  8. Sisterly Love: How to Build & Maintain Relationships with Your Fellow Woman (Paperback Book)
  9. 30-Day Email Support (for any questions you may have)