Queens of Virtue is committed to helping you find the love of your life, this is why we now provide matchmaking services for our clients who booked 3+ hours of session time with us. Read the details below.

Finding "the one" isn't easy, but we want to make it easier on our unmarried clients by assisting them with finding a mate. We have both male and female clients who are looking for love, so it only makes sense to introduce them to one another. The best thing about this is that it comes with no extra cost! Once a client has booked a total of 3 hours of session time with us, they automatically qualify for our matchmaking service. They will fill out the form (seen below) giving details about themselves and what they are looking for in a mate, then this information will be shared with our other male or female clients who are also looking for a mate. Once two people find mutual interest in each other, contact information will be shared so that they can't get acquainted. If they decide they want to court, they have the option of getting couples coaching to assist them through the process, which we highly recommend but isn't mandatory. Otherwise, they are left alone to court as they wish.

It's just that simple! This is a special offer that we are making to our clients who are serious about finding a life partner. Those who have booked 3+ hours are obviously interested in improving their relationship life. Clients who have taken courses or master classes that feature sessions are eligible as well.  If you interested in taking advantage of our matchmaking service, begin by booking your session.

Completed 3 hours of Session Time? Fill out the form below & let's find you a match!